


periodization, creative heritage, artistic word, conflict, tradition, interpretation.


The article points out that K. Gordienko belongs to the cohort of Ukrainian writers who were called Soviet writers, since their creative path fell on the Soviet era. It is emphasized that in the conditions of unchallenged dominance of the official discourse, Soviet criticism produced an ideological reception of Kostya Gordienko’s prose. The study contains information that K. Gordienko initially went through a good school of documentary work in journalism. Already at a mature age, the experienced writer advised beginners to start their path to literature from journalism. The study contains information that K. Gordienko was an ardent supporter of communes, in which he saw a reliable way of organizing the poor population for a full-fledged economic life. That is why he wrote with sympathy several sketchy, documentary felts on the topic of the organization of communes, created several porter stories with colorful characters. Emphasis is placed on the fact that K. Gordienko worked confidently, thoroughly studying historical materials, primarily documentary works and memoirs about spontaneous peasant performances in Ukraine. He strove to get to the authentic material, not littered with later ideological interpretations. The article states that the works in which the main plot line is the conflict of simple earners with social reality gain a special sound. Typical features of such images are revealed in detailed descriptions of the appearance, behavior, clothing, and language of the characters, which are presented by the author taking into account social and individual psychological details. In the conclusions, it is stated that from K. Gordienko’s artistic works, it can be seen that he sympathizes with his countrymen as much as possible. In his works of art, he endows them with attractive external features, a rich inner world, and shows their ability to resist a cruel, indifferent world. In the finished version, such a cycle of works of epic genres is perceived as a moving panorama of people’s life, the main law of which is the observance of eternal life values.


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