



youth sociolect, Ukrainian language, actionality, verbs, argot, jargon, colloquial speech, slang, lexicon, corpus linguistics


The article investigates the youth sociolect of the Ukrainian language (YSU) and its verbal characteristics, particularly actionality. YSU includes argot, jargon, colloquial speech, and slang, which perform specific functions in youth communication. The authors examine the importance of YSU as a tool for self-identification and social integration of youth, noting its dynamism and adaptability. Special attention is given to verbs, central carriers of action and state in YSU, markers of expressiveness, emotionality, and evaluative meanings. The expression and content plan of verbal youth sociolects is considered, including specific pronunciation, verbal neologisms, and various syntactic constructions. Actionality is an essential aspect of the study and occupies a central place in aspectology. Actionality describes the internal temporal structure of situations defined by the semantics of verbal lexemes and phrases and differs from the grammatical aspect. The authors emphasize the interconnection between aspect and actionality, characteristic of many languages, including Ukrainian. A classification of actional types is proposed, encompassing statives, atelic processes, telic processes, and eventives. This classification is based on dynamism, telicity, and duration parameters, allowing the analysis of actionality by dividing verbal youth sociolects into bounded and unbounded. A corpus approach is recommended to verify degrees of actionality. The frequency of verb usage is the leading indicator for determining the degree of actionality. The application of corpus linguistics enables the identification and analysis of linguistic patterns, contributing to a deeper understanding of the structure and functioning of the language. It is proposed that the impact of YSU on the development of the modern Ukrainian language, particularly its grammatical and lexical features, be investigated. The study may serve as a foundation for further linguistic research.


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