speech, presentation, argumentation, communication, lexical and stylistic features, political speech, political communication, self-presentationAbstract
The article outlines the lexical and stylistic features of the official speech of the Federal Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz in the Bundestag (February 27, 2022). The object of scientific observation was the official speech of the Federal Chancellor of Germany, Olaf Scholz. The lexical and stylistic features of the political speech of the Federal Chancellor of Germany, Olaf Scholz, based on the material of the said speech, were chosen as the subject of scientific observations. It was established that the importance of political communication is growing in modern society, because in the conditions of a democratic social system, the issue of power is openly discussed, the solution to a number of political problems depends on how adequately and timely these issues will be interpreted in language. Of course, language affects politics, is an integral element of the political scene; politics is a speech activity in which language is used to inform about political issues and to persuade the need to participate in actions related to these issues. It has been proven that Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz's speech in the Bundestag (February 27, 2022) became historic and changed the trajectory of world politics. It was established that the lexical and stylistic features of the official speech of the Federal Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz in the Bundestag (February 27, 2022) include the use of "simple, understandable language" (in his speech, simple complex and sometimes complicated sentences prevail); the presence of a large number of appeals that establish contact with the audience and attract attention; the presence of rhetorical questions actualizing the topic of the speech, etc. It was found that the stylistic figures (comparison, personification, metaphor, anaphora, epiphora, paronomasia, asyndeton, parallelism) used by Olaf Scholz make his speeches easier to understand, interesting, attract the addressee's attention with unusual combinations, express a certain assessment. It has been established that the speech of the German chancellor is based on commonly used literary vocabulary known to all members of the communicative community. Such vocabulary acquires political and ideological meanings and shades – it becomes a thematic vocabulary. Among the other lexical features of Olaf Scholz's speech, we highlight political terms, proper names, fixed turns, etc.
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