language dynamics, semantic changes, lexicon of education and science, semantic innovation, term, lexical meaningAbstract
The article analyses semantic innovations in the field of education and science on the basis of the website of the Ministry of Education and Science in Ukraine. It has been found that neosemantisms represent unexpected semantic connections, concentrate relevant, socially significant thoughts, and introduce new aspects to the Ukrainian linguistic worldview. On the basis of semantic innovations in the field of education and science, the author traces the tendencies of updating the modern Ukrainian lexicon. Attention is paid to theextra-linguistic linguistic determinants of changes in the language consciousness of modern Ukrainians and the reflection of such changes in new nominations. The influence of innovations on the structure of the lexicon of education and science is traced, paradigmatic, syntagmatic and epidigmatic relations between linguistic units are investigated, and the factors of maintaining the balance between the trends of internationalisation(openness of the Ukrainian language to globalisation) and nationalisation(preservation of its national identity) are clarified. The tendency to detail and specialisation of concepts in the linguistic consciousness of Ukrainians is proved by the verbalisers of new aspects in the modern Ukrainian lexicon. The new needs and requirements of social practice are expressed in the compound nominations of adjectives. It is substantiated that transformations in the field of education and science in Ukraine, as well as changes in the spheres of scientific and innovative activity in educational institutions, cause active semantic transformations of words in educational and scientific texts. The study of semantic innovations in the field of education and science shows that the lexical andword-formation systems of the language are characterised byself-regulation under the influence of language practice and the dynamics of language norms, and therefore the course of multidirectional processes of renewal does not lead to destabilisation, but only contributes to their reorganisation to fulfil new cognitive and communicative tasks of society.
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