


evaluation category, negative evaluation vocabulary, war poetry, evaluation field, language picture


The article describes the peculiarities of the evaluation category verbalization in modern military poetry of 2022–2024. The main motives for writing works by amateur authors and the role of these works in reflecting the linguistic picture of the world of Ukrainian citizens are outlined. Attention is drawn to what means of severity of assessment are used to describe resonant events of full-scale inclusion. Attention is focused on the variety of negatively evaluative vocabulary that appears in the evaluative field of poetry, as well as on the processes of changing the evaluation poles of some lexemes. The role of toponyms and their transformation into modern symbols is demonstrated. The language material analyzed in the article includes amateur poetry dedicated to three most resonant events of the invasion: Azovstal blockade, war crimes in occupied towns of Kyiv region and the destruction of the Kahovska dam. Attention is focused on the variety of negative vocabulary, which most often appears in the evaluation field of poetry to explicit the tragedy, such as derogatory words for enemy soldiers, descriptions of destroyed villages etc. We can also see the processes of changing the evaluation poles of some lexemes into the negative ones (e.g. the word group with the meaning water and water bodies becomes negative to describe the consequences of flood). However, the positive connotation in such poetry is usually connected with the Ukrainian defenders and expressed with the help of mythological and historical comparisons, as well as biblical terms (angel, different kind of author’s prayers to God). The role of toponyms and their transition into new, symbolic meanings are demonstrated on the example of Bucha, which became associated with civilians being tortured and killed, and so it became a synonym for suffering. The future perspective of this material is to widen the topic by analyzing more poetry dedicated to said events.


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