


discourse of Republican political leadership, personalized narrative, narrative themes, narrative rhetoric, functions of personalized narrative, stylistic expressive means, stylistic devices


The article focuses on the stylistic means of personalized narrative in the discourse of Republican political leadership at the 2024 National Convention. Particular attention is paid to the concepts of narrative and narrative rhetoric in the context of discourse studies. Narrative rhetoric is viewed as the formation of beliefs and emotional reactions through the narrative's use as an instrument of influence. The personalized narratives that function in the discourse of Republican political leadership are based on personal stories and experiences, which ensures the persuasiveness and authenticity of the main messages. Based on the results of the research, two types of personalized narratives of Republican leaders are identified: the narrative of the American dream (J.D. Vance) and the narrative of confronting threats (Donald Trump). The emotional tone, audience focus, and narrative themes are characterized. The article analyses the stylistic expressive means and devices of representation of a personalized narrative in the discourse of Republican political leadership, with an emphasis on the functional aspect. The author identifies the themes of the narrative of the American dream: defense of traditional values, overcoming difficulties through the support of an important person, promotion of patriotism with the slogan “Make America Great Again”, populism and anti-elitism, economic nationalism; and the themes of the narrative of confronting threats: facing danger, physical suffering and injury, value choices, which turned out to be in line with the thematic dominants of Republican rhetoric. The linguistic and stylistic analysis has revealed that the representation of personalized narratives of the American dream and countering threats is provided by stylistic syntactic expressive means: tautology, repetition; stylistic semasiological expressive means: metaphor, epithet, metonymy, synecdoche, irony, hyperbole; stylistic syntactic devices: anaphora, parallelism; semasiological devices: antithesis, allusion. The functional properties of the studied narratives are distinguished and characterized.


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