


intermediality, poetry, musicality, rhythm and melody of a phrase, tempo, lyrical hero, Bohdan Lepky


The article analyzes the literary and musical correlations of Bohdan Lepky's poems, outlines the interaction of music and words in the poetic cycle «Desperato». The research uses general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, hermeneutic, intertextual and intermedia approaches. It is indicated that intermediality is defined as the connection of a literary work with other types of arts – music, painting, cinema, theater. Literary and musical interferences of poetic works explain the polyphonic sound, artistic multi-vectority, emphasize the «inner sound» of the word. The intermedial aspects of the artist's poetry are inspired by folklore style in poems, songs, and the stylization of the melody kolomiyok. Special attention is paid to the melodic ornamentation of Bohdan Lepky's poetry: the colloquial structure of the poems, the metrorhythm, the lyricization of the monostrophes. The research focuses on the musical structure of the poems of the «Desperato» cycle, the rhythm and melody of each poem, the minor-major mood, where each tempo fits into the other and forms a whole. Markers of intermediality in the poetic cycle are musical tonality, tempo rhythm of poems, polyphony, recoding of poetic text by means of music. It is noted that the context of «Desperato» can be read through Frederic Chopin's music, the artistic flavor of Polish folk dance – mazurkas, which enhance the passion and depth of the lyrical hero's feelings, tension and drama. The affinity of the artistic thinking of the Ukrainian poet and the Polish composer can be seen in the consonance of the tempo and rhythm of the poems and the semantic mood of the music. The interaction of words and sound, experiments with artistic language, involvement in the literature of folk and instrumental music indicate the artist's search for creative self-expression.


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