altered states of consciousness, poetics, contemporary literature, content, formAbstract
The research focuses attention on the role and functions of the altered states of consciousness in the literary text. It is emphasized that the altered states of consciousness have various effects on the artistic world of a literary work, the structure of relationships in the system of characters and can change the construction of the chronotope. Altered states of consciousness can be diverse in nature and consequences, moreover, have a wide palette (from ecstasy to agony, from sleep to additive states caused by various substances). Throughout the history of literature, authors have addressed altered states of consciousness or implemented characters experiencing or having the experience of experiencing an altered state of consciousness into the plot. Contemporary world literature is not exceptional, authors involve altered states of consciousness for various reasons and show various consequences of such states, but an interesting question is what exactly characterizes such a literary text, and what its constructs can be affected by the altered state of consciousness introduced into the text as a strategy. Obviously, each work is unique. The article is devoted to the analysis of the text of modern Ukrainian literature – the novel "Wozzeck" by Yuriy Izdryk. The article is based on two altered states of consciousness, which differ owing to their nature: the state of sleep and alcohol intoxication, the latter of which can be additive and is associated with the using of a specific substance. It is worth noting that the article analyzes the way exactly each of these states of altered consciousness affects the text of the novel in a purely formal way, how it participates in the construction of situations and events, how a change in the behavior or thinking of one of the heroes can transform the system of characters, etc. Specific examples demonstrate the main binary oppositions that are built due to the presence of altered states of consciousness in the novel "Wozzeck". Therefore, attention is focused not mainly on the psychological area as on the literary analysis of the text.
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