the English language, the English lexical competence, formation, video blog, authentic vlog, fashion vlog, fashion vocabulary, high school students, general secondary education institutionsAbstract
The article is devoted to the problems of forming English lexical competence of high school students with the use of authentic video blogs (vlogs) in the course of the academic discipline «The English Language» in general secondary education institutions. The authors claim that the use of information and communication technologies in teaching English enlarges students’ vocabulary, activates their critical thinking and increases motivation. The authors chose the popular fashion vlogs such as Bryanboy, Juliaberolzheimer, Nicolewarne and others as a database of the research. The authors investigated the linguistic and methodological potential of English authentic fashion vlogs in teaching vocabulary of high school students and came to the conclusion that these Internet resources are an important source of vocabulary from the thematic group «Fashion», which includes the subtopics «Clothes», «Accessories», «Perfumes», «Style» etc. It was determined that the material of fashion vlogs allows improving students’ lexical competence due to learning in a communicatively meaningful context an expanded amount of complex vocabulary from the thematic group «Fashion» (subtopic «Clothes», the thematic subgroups: names of basic clothing, details of clothing, styles, etc.; study of vocabulary related to production technology, names of fabrics, color palette, size, purchase, peculiarities of clothing care, etc.), which is widely used in authentic fashion vlogs. Also, the use of fashion vlogs enhances learning motivation: such vlogs are popular among young people, students are interested in increasing their awareness in the field of fashion, because clothes are an integral component of culture, a means of expressing individuality and identity. The article defines the stages of working with authentic fashion vlogs while forming English lexical competence of high school students. Methodological recommendations and illustrative exercises to organize the training are given. The results of the analysis allow us to conclude that the use of authentic English vlogs is an effective and promising means of teaching vocabulary to high school students, because the source itself – the vlog – is a relevant information phenomenon in the modern cultural and educational space.
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