works of art, writer's works, traditions, transformations, wedding (family) narrative, marriage rituals, interpretationAbstract
Traditionally, the description of rites related to marriage occupies an important place in the literature of any nation, as it represents a turning point in a person's life. Despite a number of ethnic, religious and geographical features of different peoples, the rites associated with marriage can be conditionally divided into the acquaintance of the young, matchmaking or blessing for the marriage of parents, engagement, preparation for the wedding, the actual marriage ceremony (wedding among Christians), wedding and wedding night. We believe that works of art that describe at least one of the listed stages, as well as elements of wedding customs, accessories, rituals, symbols, beliefs, views on marriage traditions, society's attitude to marriage, etc., belong to the wedding theme. Today, significant changes are taking place in the attributes, structure, and character of rituals. After Ukraine gained independence, weddings in the Ukrainian folklore tradition are gradually being revived. More and more young people are attracted to traditional wedding clothes, plant ritual symbols, and towels. However, the wedding ceremony often turns from a magical event into an entertaining and playful one. Scientists have repeatedly addressed this problem, but currently there is not a single general work that would contain consideration of Volodymyr Vinnichenko's works devoted to the wedding theme. The topic of rituals became widespread in literature at the beginning of the 20th century. It is a well-known fact that Volodymyr Vynnychenko paid special attention in his work to the issue of marriage, family, and the position of women in society and the family. The issue of the development and preservation of wedding traditions in mainland Ukraine is a spiritual ethnocultural phenomenon and a component of national culture that preserves the spirit of the nation, national morality, and customary law. The topic of wedding (marriage) rites is very important for a better understanding of the historical development and organization of the traditional Ukrainian family. Thanks to this eternal theme, the relationships between generations, the beauty of the wedding event, and family relationships are revealed. The article substantiates the relevance of the chosen topic, which is due to the insufficient processing of wedding-themed works of art in the final version V. Vinnichenko. The scientific novelty of the work is determined, which consists in the gradual disclosure of the attitude of the characters of the works to marriage, wedding rites related to marriage, based on the analysis of Volodymyr Vinnichenko's artistic works. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to characterize and analyze wedding traditions through the prism of Volodymyr Vinnichenko's creative work. The main attention is focused on the issue of the transformation of family ritual creativity into a literary text by Volodymyr Vinnychenko, the analysis of the elements of the ritual components of the wedding event in the works of the famous master of the artistic word of the beginning of the 20th century. The work of V. Vinnichenko is justified as a unique phenomenon of national literature, which is an inexhaustible source of deep themes and acute problems that do not lose their relevance in the historical and cultural context of the Ukrainian present. Factors and factors that had an impact on the life and work of V. Vinnichenko were identified. The wedding traditions that were interpreted in the writer's work are named. The author's perception of marriage and wedding in the artistic text of Volodymyr Vinnichenko was studied. The transformation of elements of wedding (marriage) traditions into the texts of the novels «Virgin Mara», «Notes of Cursed Mephistopheles» is analyzed. The expediency of further study of the peculiarities of wedding (marriage) rites in the texts of Ukrainian and foreign writers of the 20th century is indicated. The intention to find descriptions of the wedding in the works of modern writers has been declared.
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