term, concept, terminological unit, war, military term, border terminologyAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of transformations of Ukrainian border terminology under the influence of significant geopolitical changes and events: from the annexation of Crimea and the armed conflict in Donbas in 2014 to the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation in 2022. The article analyzes the processes of formation and adaptation of the terminology of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, which reflects the modern requirements of security, protection of the state border and response to threats to national security. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the emergence of new terms caused by the needs of changes in the legal, social and military spheres, which have acquired new meaning in recent years or have been formed as a result of the war. The article describes the stages of creation of new terms of concepts and their implementation in the legislative and regulatory framework of Ukraine. The article focuses on the change in the semantics and context of the functioning of new terms and concepts of the State Border Guard Service that appear in the legislative framework under the influence of the war, such as “temporarily occupied territories”, “entry-exit control point”, “controlled territory”, etc., and analyzes how existing terms and concepts are adapted to the realities of war and security strategies. The article traces the connection between terminological changes and changes in the strategies of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, which are due to the need for rapid adaptation to the new conditions of countering aggression. The authors emphasize the importance of precise and specific terminology in the legal acts and instructions governing the activities of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, which is especially relevant in view of the military challenges facing Ukraine. The article illustrates the complex processes of interaction between state security structures and linguistic and terminological evolution, which allows us to understand the specifics of use and the need to unify new terms.
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