mass media, media discourse, healthy lifestyle, communicative strategies and tactics, linguistic meansAbstract
The article presents the results of a comprehensive linguo-pragmatic investigation into communicative strategies and tactics employed in promoting healthy lifestyle practices within contemporary American media discourse. The research’s significance stems from the pressing need to examine linguistic mechanisms that shape health-preserving behaviors in the context of global public health challenges. Drawing upon content from leading American publications (“Vista”, “Healthy Living”, “Eating Well”), this study conducts a multilevel analysis of discursive practices in constructing healthy lifestyle narratives. The empirical foundation comprises these publications due to their representativeness and substantial influence on shaping public discourse regarding health-preserving practices. The investigation identifies two principal communicative strategies: informative and argumentative. The informative strategy, aimed at developing recipients’ cognitive foundation, operates through a triad of tactics: descriptive (explication of healthy lifestyle components), declarative (presentation of verified scientific data), and factographic (statistical argumentation). The argumentative strategy, which provides rational-logical substantiation for health-preserving behavior, manifests through: authority appeal tactics (incorporation of expert assessments), dialogical tactics (simulation of interactive communication), and subjectivization tactics (personalized experience narrativization). The research establishes that maximum discursive impact effectiveness is achieved through the synergistic interaction of identified strategies, ensuring comprehensive influence at cognitive, affective, and conative levels of information perception. This integrative approach facilitates the formation of sustainable motivation for implementing health-preserving practices in the target audience’s daily life. The research findings expand the theoretical foundations of media linguistics and can be utilized for further investigation of communicative mechanisms influencing public consciousness through mass media.
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