



Fedir Potushnyak, poet, poetry, mystical, metaphor, epithet, symbol


The article characterizes the mystical phenomenon and analyzes its manifestation in the poetry of the Ukrainian poet F. Potushnyak. The purpose of the article was to determine the specifics of the expression of the mystical in the poetic works of the Ukrainian writer. It is emphasized that the parameters of mystical expression in artistic works during the long history were not constant and depended on socio-cultural factors – era, style, direction, as well as the personality of the artist. In the literature of the new age, romanticism and modernism (in particular, symbolism), and later postmodernism, were the most favorable for the expression of the mystical, which opened up other possibilities for the realization of the author’s creative potential than before and led to the expansion of the toolkit. Modern philosophical concepts show inconsistency in the definition of this phenomenon, but at the same time offer an expanded understanding of it. Ukrainian science has accumulated considerable experience in the study of the mystical in fiction. It has been found that F. Potushniak’s poetry is distinctly modern, imbued with Western European philosophical ideas, marked by the influence of symbolism, imagism, surrealism, and neo-romanticism. In it, the unreal often displaces the real, and mysticism is combined with philosophy. The mystical is one of the characteristic features of F. Potushniak’s poetic work. Images of nature prevail in the expression of the mystical. The expression of the mystical in the author’s poetry is often intertwined with the expression of the sublime. With the help of mystical images, the author conveys a wide range of thoughts and experiences of the lyrical hero, the depth of perception and feeling of the real world. Through the mystical, the artist also demonstrates the inextricable connection between man and nature and the possibility of expanding the limits of world perception, adjusts to the perception of the idea of infinity. To express the mystical, the author uses numerous symbols, metaphors, allusions, broken word order, specific intonation, rhythm, creates associatively complicated images, thickens imagery. This activates the reader’s imagination, leads to slow intellectual and creative reading. In general, the poetry of F. Potushniak demonstrates the expansion of the expressive possibilities of language, it is human-centric and life-loving.


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