expression of praise, addresser, addressee, communicative situation, communicative status, speech strategyAbstract
The article is devoted to the investigation of the addresser’s role in expressions of praise. It has been found that praise is a context-bound communicative phenomenon. An important distinguishing feature of expressions of praise is their functioning in communicative situations of cooperation. It has been established that the situation creates a communicative context in which the person’s speech activity is carried out. It is proven that the role of the addresser in the general model of the cooperation situation is extremely large: first of all, the addresser determines the content of the message and its illocutionary force. The addresser is a specific individual immersed in the discourse, it is he who forms the purpose and plan of speech behaviour in the discourse, controls and corrects it. It has been found that the addressee receives information about the addresser from linguistic and paralinguistic data. In this way, the addresser forms the character and tone of communication. The characteristics of the addresser that influence the effectiveness of expressions of praise are determined, namely: age, authority, status and prestige, personal thesaurus. It has been established that the communicative status of the initiator of praise and his social status do not always coincide. In situations where there is an expression of praise, the addresser takes a dominant position, and the addressee takes a subordinate position, that is, the addresser uses praise as a “downward” strategy. It has been found that macro textual components of the situation, primarily social relations between communicators, play an important role in the functioning of the expression of praise. It has been established that the communicative status of an individual is determined by his role (actions, thoughts, feelings). It has been studied that the communicative status can be rigid and variable depending on the role of communicators within a specific situation, namely their desire for communicative cooperation, rivalry or conflict. It has been found that at the macrotext level, the situation of cooperation can be symmetrical or asymmetrical, if we take into account the status relations between the communicators.
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