linguist, Serhiy Doroshenko, academic values, academic culture, culture of academic partnership, future teachers, A.S. Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical UniversityAbstract
The article outlines the values of the academic culture of a linguist, teacher of the Department of Ukrainian Language at the A. S. Makarenko Sumy Pedagogical Institute Serhii Ivanovich Doroshenko. It is noted that the university currently positions itself as a community of teachers, scientists, students, employees, graduates and partners of the institution, who develop the cultural and spiritual traditions of the institution. Academic culture is specified as a culture of learning, academic literacy, and tolerance, which are formed in the educational environment and are realized in the dialogical interaction of the participants in educational academic practices of the famous universities of our city. The scope of the researcher’s scientific interests, his formation at Kharkiv University, and the influence of the personality of the linguist O. Potebny are outlined. Attention is focused on the following academic values of the linguist Serhiy Doroshenko: fundamental principles and values of the university community, cultural and professional development of participants in the educational process, formation of students as individuals, respect for learning, teaching combined with research, ethical rules of academic communication, problematic lectures, seminars. The culture of academic partnership of the institute’s teachers is outlined. The analyzed works and memories of the linguist give reason to note that the personality of the researcher should be characterized by spiritual elitism and intelligence. Serhiy Ivanovych gave priority to the researcher’s social responsibility, honest description of scientific results and taught future teachers to thorough scientific research.
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