


pre-service teachers, foreign language and literature, translation competence, translation training, content, forms, methods


The article highlights some aspects revealing the development of translation competence of prospective foreign language and literature teachers. Attention is focused on internal and external factors necessitating the development of translation competence of pre-service foreign language and literature teachers. The study identifies the needs of the specialized school and the requirements for translation teaching courses in senior classrooms of specialized schools. The author analyzes scholarly perspectives on the concepts of ‘translation’ and ‘translation competence’. On this basis, the essential characteristics of translation competence in pre-service training of foreign language and literature teachers are substantiated. Translation competence has been found to be an integrated characteristic that involves the ability to translate authentic texts at the appropriate level and understand their content, as well as to implement the information received in accordance with the target audience and further use in foreign language education and intercultural communication. It has been proved that developing the translation competence of prospective foreign language and literature teachers requires the introduction of innovative approaches to structuring the professional training content and the implementation of innovative forms and methods of translation teaching. The study outlines controversial issues and problems in undergraduate training of foreign language and literature teachers in terms of the learning outcomes reached as a result of interpretation and translation courses. Ways to improve the content of professional training based on the development and thematic updating for the content of mandatory and optional educational components are proposed. The research provides the analysis of the ways in which unassisted translation work with foreign language texts and native speakers should be organized. Particular attention is paid to the use of innovative methods and technologies of translation training provided to prospective foreign language and literature teachers.


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