literary abilities, literary and research activity, literary and creative activity, the genre way of analysis, the structural and stylistic way of analysis, “poetry in prose”, impressionism, an essay-description, a novelAbstract
The author of the article considers one of the important problems of literary education in the secondary school – development students’ creative abilities by writing their own original artistic texts. He connects such activity with such activity with schoolchildren’s acquisition of literary and research knowledge and skills, which are the propaedeutic stage and precedes actual creative activity. The system of genre (an essay-description, a novel) and stylistic (“poetry in prose”, impressionism) features of program literary material (M. Kotsyubinsky’s novel “Intermezzo”) gets into focus of attention; they becоme a visualization of artistic parameters which students should embody in their works. The author’s suggestion is to carry out the transformation of literary and research activity into literary and creative activity. Students should learn how to use genre and structural and stylistic ways of analysis during processing of program texts, then transform named skills into own texts, trying to give their works certain genre and stylistic features. The article presents not only author’s methodological suggestions, but also experimental material – verbal and artistic images, created by pupil’s of 10 forms of Ukrainian and foreign philology of Nizhyn Regional Pedagogical Lyceum Chernihiv Regional Council. These images correspond to the features of “poetry in prose” and impressionism, show the difference between the object of image and the poetic impression of it, that’s why act as an artistic basis in the high school students’ creative works. The originality of named images shows: a significant number of students have the elements of artistic thinking and according to its development are able to write creative works with language fabric perform creative works with language fabric, close to poetic and with impressionistic color.
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