Example of article design

UDC 811.161.2:008-028.42(092)


Semenoh Olena Mykolaivna,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor,
Head of the Department of Ukrainian Language and Literature
Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8697-8602
Researcher ID: GON-3693-2022
Scopus Author ID: 57207763280

The article outlines the values of the academic culture of a linguist, teacher of the Department of Ukrainian Language at the A. S. Makarenko Sumy Pedagogical Institute. It is noted that the university currently positions itself as a community of teachers, scientists, students, employees, graduates and partners of the institution, who develop the cultural and spiritual traditions of the institution... (at least 1800 characters)
Key words: linguist, Serhiy Doroshenko, academic values, academic culture, culture of academic partnership.

Семеног Олена. Цінності академічної культури мовознавця Сергія Дорошенка
У статті окреслено цінності академічної культури мовознавця, викладача кафедри української мови Сумського педагогічного інституту імені А.С. Макаренка Сергія Івановича Дорошенка. 
Зазначено, що університет наразі позиціонує себе як спільноту викладачів, науковців, студентів, співробітників, випускників та партнерів закладу, які розвивають культурні та духовні традиції закладу... (at least 1800 characters)
Ключові слова: мовознавець, Сергій Дорошенко, академічні цінності, академіча культура, культура академічного партнерства.

Introduction. The university as a brand is a term widely used in the scientific space. Researchers also single out the terms "brand communication", "image", "uniqueness", "identity" as synonyms. The Ukrainian word originality is impressive. The English educationist John Henry Newman (1801–1890) observed that "the university is a place of interaction, ... a place where the professor becomes eloquent, turns into a missionary, displaying his science in its fullest and most attractive form, zealously communicating it to others and kindling the fire of his own passions of listeners. It is the home of wisdom, the light of the world, the messenger of faith, the alma mater of the young generation" [1].

Materials and methods. The essence of the concept of academic culture as one of the components of "soft" skills was revealed in the author's previous works [2; 3]. The issue of idiostyle is revealed in works on linguistic personality (P. Seligey), linguistic stylistics (T. Kosmeda, L. Matsko, L. Struganets), communicative linguistics (F. Batsevich), linguistic didactics (O. Horoshkina, M. Pentylyuk). For the story about the academic culture of the teacher-researcher as an original component of the University, the scientific, scientific-methodical works of Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Ukrainian Language Department of the Sumy State Pedagogical Institute Doroshenko Serhiy Ivanovich were chosen. Taking into account studies [4; 5; 6; 7], based on the works of Serhiy Doroshenko [11; 12], memories of linguists, we will consider the values of the academic, language culture of the teacher-researcher.

Research results. The conducted analysis gives reason to assume that the term "academic culture" denotes institutional culture, values of an educational institution, culture of learning, social and moral responsibility for research results; academic literacy of students (pupils), an integral component of the professional competence of a teacher-researcher [2, p. 24]. It is about the system of values, traditions, norms, rules, behavioral patterns of conducting scientific research, and methods of activity, and about the culture of special behavior and communication [3, p. 33].

Conclusions. Profound works of the teacher of the Ukrainian language department of the Sumy Pedagogical Institute named after A.S. Makarenko Serhii Ivanovich Doroshenko sharpen attention to the brand, image, identity of the University. And to the important question: what kind of intellectual qualities and moral virtues should the personality of the teacher-researcher be? The uniqueness and originality of the works lies in the author's idiostyle, academic culture.


1. Семеног О.М. Академічна культура дослідника: європейський та національний контексти : навчальний посібник. Суми : Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А.С. Макаренка, 2021. 216 с.

2. Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А.С. Макаренка від історії створення до сьогодення. Офіційний вебсайт Сумського державного педагогічного університету імені А.С. Макаренка. URL: https://sspu.edu.ua/universytet/pro-universytet/vid-zasnuvannia-do-sohodennia.

3. Дорошенко С.І. Вступ до мовознавства – пропедевтичний курс загального мовознавства (шляхи практичного втілення мети і завдання курсу). Лінгвістичні дослідження : збірник наукових праць / за заг. ред. Л.А. Лисиченко. Харків : ТОВ «ЕДЕНА», 2003. Вип. 10. С. 7–12.


1. Semenoh, O.M. (2021). Akademichna kultura doslidnyka: yevropeiskyi ta natsionalnyi konteksty: navchalnyi posibnyk [Academic culture of the researcher: European and national contexts: study guide]. Sumy: Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko, 216 p. [in Ukrainian].

2. N.a. (n.d.). Sumskyi derzhavnyi pedahohichnyi universytet imeni A.S. Makarenka vid istorii stvorennia do sohodennia [Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko from the history of creation to the present]. The official website of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko. Retrieved from: https://sspu.edu.ua/universytet/pro-universytet/vid-zasnuvannia-do-sohodennia [in Ukrainian].

3. Doroshenko, S.I. (2003). Vstup do movoznavstva – propedevtychnyi kurs zahalnoho movoznavstva (shliakhy praktychnoho vtilennia mety i zavdannia kursu) [Introduction to linguistics is a propaedeutic course in general linguistics (ways to implement the course’s goals and objectives in practice)]. Linhvistychni doslidzhennia: zbirnyk naukovykh prats [Linguistic research: collection of scientific works], L.A. Lysychenko (ed.). Kharkiv: “EDENA” LLC, iss. 10, pp. 7–12 [in Ukrainian].