dance, dance drawing, choreography, folk stage dance, folk stage choreography, round dance.Abstract
The article highlights the theoretical aspects of the problem of the dance pattern as an expressive means of folk stage choreography. The application of specific scientific research methods, in particular terminological analysis and interpretation of scientific opinion, made it possible to find out that the dance pattern is the movement of dancers on the stage. The Summarizing the materials of the scientific search proved that the trajectory of the performers’ movement, which remains on the surface of the floor, is called a dance pattern. On the basis of analysis, synthesis, generalization, and systematization, it is proved that the dance pattern of folk stage choreography depends on the geographical location, lifestyle, and local traditions. The article considers the classification of dance patterns (one-dimensional, multi-dimensional) and their characterization. The basic figures of the dance pattern of folk stage choreography are singled out, in particular the round dance. The authors established that a circle, a circle within a circle, two circles side by side, a gate, a snail, a figure of eight, a basket, a snake, a street, a column are the most common figures of a round dance. The peculiarities of dance patterns, which are characteristic of different peoples of the world, are characterized, in particular: Georgian choreography has a pyramid that symbolizes mountains; Chinese - asymmetry. Instead, the dances of the Slavic peoples have parallel rearrangements. Linear types of dance drawings belong to Irish and Scottish dances.
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