


cello, performance modification, online- and offline-performance, cello semantics, works for cello


The article is devoted to the problems of performing instrumental art, in particular cello, in the light of modern sociocultural space. Attention is focused on the new conditions of concert activity in contrast to the pre-existing ones, the use of the latest technologies and the search for relevant musical material. The performance tasks and transformations of the work of the cellist-interpreter in the trends of development of technical capabilities are described. It is noted on the physiological properties of the artist's actions during a public performance, due to the specific acoustic requirements of specific artistic locations. The studied heritage of performing traditions makes it possible to reveal the novelty of interpretation, writing new music for the cello, complementing the repertoire with special works that define new forms of performance and modification of modern musical development. In the given examples of two works of a large form of contemporary composers of Ukraine and Israel – Victoria Vita Poleva and Baruch Berliner, the modification of the composer and performance approaches to the concept of creating an original artistic product is traced. An important trend is determined by constant changes in the presentation of the musical text and the specifics of the listener's perception. The connection of a certain musical heritage of our time with the sources of spiritual culture, which is an urgent need for the challenges of the time, is emphasized. The concept of modifying performance in cello art and the features of its specific tasks has been formed. Technological tendencies of emergence of new forms of existence of performance in informative spaces and their varieties – online and offline are outlined. The focus of attention is focused on the interpretation angle of exploration, which is one of the main leverage vectors in the development of musical art. The concept of cello semantics is allocated in the understanding of the meaningful filling of the imagination about the instrument from the side of individual features: the characteristics of sound, the role of the possibilities of expression, priority of composer preferences.


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