professional competences, independent activity, motivation, choral performance, creative activity, vocal and choral workAbstract
The article considers the theoretical aspects of the problem of the formation of professional competences in the independent activity of the future choir director under the conditions of the modern cultural and educational environment. The tasks of the research are the theoretical analysis of scientific approaches to determine the characteristic main functions of the conductor-choirmaster, indicators of the development of his performance skills in working with the choir, professional competencies as a result of the growth of the professional characteristics of the choirmaster's personality. The directions of conducting and choral training in the process of forming the professional competences of the modern choral team leader in institutions of higher education of the artistic direction have been determined. It is noted that mastering the methodical and technological educational base contributes to the formation of preparation for independent search of ways for a successful professional position and creative activity. It is emphasized that in order to ensure the effectiveness of the independent work of students of higher education, the teacher needs to monitor the performance of tasks aimed at mastering modern methods and techniques of music education at various stages of its implementation. Analyzing and summarizing theoretical achievements, relying on personal assets, an attempt was made to summarize the most effective conditions for the development of professional competencies of choirmasters. This approach is able to avoid gaps in the formation of professional achievements of higher education seekers, to ensure and direct the educational process to the formation of a set of special basic knowledge, necessary artistic skills and practical skills of future choirmasters based on the development and improvement of personal professional competencies: executive, pedagogical, organizational, educational, communicative, etc., which ensure the effectiveness of practical professional performing and pedagogical activities in the field of music education and science.
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