


music festival, festival project, cultural creation, rcultural dialogue, communication


During the period of independence cultural policy as a consolidating mechanism of Ukrainian society acquired a new status. At the state level culture is positioned as a system of values and social codes that integrate society as a resource for community development, and an important factor in the harmonious development of individuals. Meeting the demands of the time involves searching for cultural values and meanings that lead to the realization of new forms of cultural life including music. These are music festivals. The article emphasizes that in modern conditions, music festivals are one of the most widespread forms of cultural creation as a variety of spiritual assimilation of reality, where traditions and innovations coexist, and the creative activities of performing groups confirm their full participation in cultural dialogue. The article emphasises that the activation of the festival movement in the period of Ukraine’s independence is due to the fact that this form of artistic practice best reveals the achievements of music. The organization of music festivals of different levels (regional, national, international) promotes creative interaction between composers and performers, the integration of national cultures and subcultures into a single artistic process. The significant impact of music festivals on the development of the national and global music market, the representation of a wide range of composer’s works, and the formation of demand and proposals for various artistic projects is accentuated. The article examines the features of contemporary music festivals in accordance with sociocultural circumstances and the demands of the audience. It is confirmed that the music festival movement contributes to the integration of new forms, genres, and types of music art into a unified cultural space. It is shown that its task is to raise the cultural level of Ukrainian citizenship and support creative groups.


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