


theatre, scenography, artist, director, artistic image, biography and creative legacy of I. Kurochka-Armashevsky


The author explores the essence and features of theatrical scenography, considering the significance and role of the artist in the creation of a theatrical production. In particular, it is argued that scenography is one of the key elements of a theatrical performance, deepening and expanding the artistic impact of the play, creating an unforgettable spectacle for the audience. Scenography interacts with all elements of the performance, such as acting skills, music, script, and direction, to create a unique theatrical reality. This art form contributes to the harmonious synthesis of various artistic components and ensures their interaction to achieve maximum expressiveness. The main focus is placed on the life and creative biography of one of the leading Ukrainian theatrical artists of the 20’th century, a native of Sumy region, Ivan Hryhorovych Kurochka-Armashevsky. The most significant theatrical productions, designed by the artist during his tenure at the Kyiv Opera Theater, are examined. It is noted that the works of I. Kurochka-Armashevsky were distinguished by innovative explorations that absorbed the main features of avant-garde art from the first half of the 20’th century. Expressiveness, harmonious combination of colors in sets and costumes, metaphorical elements were characteristic features of the artist, particularly vividly manifested in his early works. The article presents the process of the artist’s transformation of views on the visual language of scenography under the influence of objective and subjective factors. It explores the lesser-known period of the artist’s life in emigration, including participation in art exhibitions, designing productions for Ukrainian theaters, and creating murals for cultural landmarks. In the conclusions, it is emphasized that the theatrical artist plays an exceptionally important role in the creation of a theatrical production. It is noted that the study of the biography and creative legacy of prominent representatives of Ukrainian scenography, especially those closely connected with their homeland, is a relevant and important issue in art history.


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