musical pedagogy, musical education, Renaissance, art, humanism, learning, educational process, educational centers, aesthetics, methodologyAbstract
The article examines the problem of the development of musical pedagogy in the socio-cultural context of the European and Ukrainian space of the Renaissance. Humanistic tendencies and the desire for harmonious personality education, anthropocentrism, revival of the traditions of ancient art were noted. The close connection of Ukrainian musical culture and upbringing of the specified time period with pan-European trends is emphasized. The specifics of the music-educational process of educational institutions, in which the objective regularities of education and training have been systematized, were determined. The role of the most prominent teachers and musicians on the situation of Renaissance music education is summarized. The important role of music-pedagogical concepts is emphasized by Gioseffo Zarlino, Jan Amos Komenský, Mykola Dyletsky, Hryhorіі Skovoroda and other scientists. Information about some music-pedagogical treatises, which were inspired by practical teaching experience and didactic needs, is provided. The growth of intercultural interaction, active imitation of pedagogical experience during training and trips of Ukrainian musicians to European countries is emphasized. The application of a complex methodological approach provided a combination of musicological, historical, analytical, systematic, source-based, inductive, deductive and other scientific methods of research. The significance of historical, political, religious, socio-cultural, geographical and other parameters on the development of musical culture and pedagogy in the specified period is demonstrated. It is emphasized that over the course of many centuries, the vocal and choral realm developed most intensively in Ukrainian musical art, including during the Renaissance. It has been proven that the Renaissance-baroque (Cossack) type of Ukrainian musical culture became the stylistic reference point of the Renaissance space.
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