



mass, composer, spiritual, genre, choral, Rodin, soprano


One of the latest work of contemporary chamber sacred music by one of the leading Ukrainian artists, Oleksandr Rodin is examined in the article. He is a popular composer in various genres – symphonic (symphonic cycle “Flea Market”, “The Artist Vagan”), theatrical (ballets “Aladdin”, “The Seasons”, “Viy”, opera “Catherine”), chamber instrumental (“Book of Dreams”, “Largamente”). The priority areas of his work are cantata-symphonic (“Requiem”, “Stabat Mater”, “Love and Death”) and choral music, including spiritual music (“Requiem”, “Song to the All-Holy Mother of God”). A special place is occupied by the work designated by the composer “Missa Luminosa” (“Luminous Mass”). He represents a new perspective on the established choral genre of sacred music, as it offers an unusual performing lineup – instead of an orchestra, a string quartet, instead of a choir, a soprano. Thus, in O. Rodin’s mass, the traditions of the Catholic sacred genre model with the canonical Latin text – “Kyrie”, “Gloria”, “Credo”, “Sanctus”, “Benedictus”, “Hosanna”, “Agnus Dei” the presence of obligatory sections, and the features of chamber vocal genres are intertwined. O. Rodin’s “Missa Luminosa” demonstrates internal multigenre and diversity: concert, mono-opera, “vocal” quintet, vocal cycle, etc. In some parts of the mass, one can distinguish signs of a concert aria and a monologue. The musical writing is marked by polystylistic character with allusions to the works of Baroque. The tendency to minimize the participants of the action indicates the chambering of the mass genre namely its renewal. Another factor of modernization of the mass “Missa Luminosa” by O. Rodin is the inclusion of the instrumental epilogue-postlude not inherent all known examples of this choral spiritual genre. Besides, the budget option promotes competitiveness of the mass together with various formats and performances: video with illustrations and photos. Several performances and interpretive versions of the Agnus Dei are known. In addition to the main, original version for soprano and string quartet, we note the following: for organ; for soprano and organ; for soprano and chamber orchestra; for soprano and chamber ensemble. The last performance took place in St. Sophia of Kyiv as part of the Bouquet Kyiv Stage 2023 festival. «Agnus Dei» by O. Rodin is in tune with the concert’s prayer program. Considering the atmosphere of the performance, it in the conditions of a concert and festival setting, but in church buildings: St. Sophia of Kyiv, Lviv House of Organ and Chamber Music, Hundborg Kirke (Denmark), we are convinced of the combination of the phenomena of the spiritual (genre, text, content) and concert, that is, the “concretization” of spiritual works.


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