



vocal, singer, exercise, phonetic method, articulation, voice


This article describes that the use of vocal exercises as relevant in the pedagogical process not only for vocalists and singers. They are used in an unlimited number of educational institutions, as well as even in the medical field of human activity. Undoubtedly, professionals, constantly working on improving their voice, use a variety of exercises in the process of working on it, including many of those presented as a phonetic method of training a singer. The purpose of this article is to describe the importance of vocal training using the phonetic method on the basis of the scientific sources mentioned above and the personal pedagogical experience of the author of the study. In the process of this study, the author used structural analysis method starting with her general overview and detailing exactly those aspects that are inherent in the use of phonetic exercises in the hierarchy of improving the vocal techniques of singers and future vocalists. The method of synthesizing the obtained information is also used to create a single practically significant concept, which became a generalization regarding vocal training using phonetic exercises in vocal classes. Successful use of airflow base, laryngeal muscle activity, and pitch placement superposition constitutes an effective singing system. Singing performance is a direct result of experience and learning, which includes the ability to hold notes longer with less breathing. The ratio of acoustic and aerodynamic voice parameters is important as it indicates whether phonation has been produced with as little effort as possible. Vocal phonetic exercises have a therapeutic effect on the source of the voice by giving the muscles of the larynx and breathing a graceful, toning, long isometric workout with very gentle dynamics. An important factor in mastering the culture of vocal pronunciation is knowledge in the field of phonetic transcription. Professional singers must constantly work, maintain or restore the condition of the muscles of the larynx to avoid the so-called static balance. If you consider a singer as an athlete who needs strength, endurance, timing and agility exercises, then the phonetic method is an important ingredient in a vocalist’s training regimen.


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