



microchromatics, sound, flute, musical art, composition technique, performance, ХХ century


The article examines microchromatics as one of the most popular techniques in musical compositions of the ХХ–ХХІ centuries, which studies tonal relationships that go beyond the traditional tempered system and include extremely small intervals between sounds. The composer’s contribution to the development of flute art is also considered. Within the scope of this article, the author investigated the historical context of the development of microchromatics in the ХХ century, analyzed the main principles of microchromatic music and the prospects for further research. In the field of microchromatics research in modern musicology, the works of prominent researchers known for their contributions to music theory and the issue of microchromatics are considered. Among them – D. Stewart, K. Mankopf, D. Tymochko, D. Mandelbaum, and works in the context of performance on wind instruments by foreign authors – D. Playfold, J. Otteter, J. Kvantz, J. Tromlitz, T. Böhm, L. Lorenzo, and Ukrainians – E. Kachmarika, I. Yermak, Ya. Karpyak. The author revealed microchromatics as a melismatic and modal system. The application of the microchromatic technique in the performance of music on the flute is considered in detail, and the technical aspects and creative possibilities that this technique opens up for flutists are defined. The article reveals the methods of non-standard sound production, as well as the achievement of various options for changing the timbre or sound of the instrument, creating new sound effects and their expressiveness in performance. The problem of microchromatics has wide opportunities for further research, including the development of new theoretical models, the development of new methods of recording and analyzing microtonal musical structures, etc. In general, the research of microchromatics in modern musicology opens up new horizons for understanding musical creativity and contributes to the development of innovative approaches to musical art.


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