


bayan trio “Harmonia”, Zhytomyr Music Professional College named after V.S. Kosenko, cultural and historical phenomenon, hereditary renewal of ensemble’s performing staff, artistic and creative figures, professional music education, bayan students, performance competition, pedagogical and concert activities, ensemble repertoire, philharmonic, bayan performance school


The subject of the article is the Zhytomyr bayan trio “Harmonia”, an ensemble known in Ukraine for its concert activities and creative achievements. Aware of the changes caused by the passage of time, the author of the article defined an aspect of her scientific research in view of the requirements of modern musicology – to highlight the artistic and creative figures of the Zhytomyr bayan trio “Harmonia” in the context of personal and collective achievements of artistic creativity. By studying and analyzing various historical sources, the researcher uncovers the prerequisites for the emergence of a new cultural and historical phenomenon, the Zhytomyr trio of bayan players “Harmonia”. Based on the information from primary sources, the author reveals the practical experience of each member of the Zhytomyr bayan trio “Harmonia”: V.A. Hubanov, V.Ya. Omelchuk, V.M. Bohoriadov, S.V. Petruk, B.Yu. Talko in the integrating direction of pedagogical activity at the Zhytomyr Music Professional College named after V.S. Kosenko. In the course of presenting the material of the article, the researcher provides information about the education of bayan players; establishes the beginning of the pedagogical activity of each member of the ensemble at the Zhytomyr Music Professional College named after V.S. Kosenko; denotes the solo performing achievements of the musicians; emphasizes the wide range of collective musicianship of the bayan players in various instrumental ensembles; reflects the personal contribution of each of the three players of the first composition of the ensemble to the formation and expansion of the concert repertoire of the bayan trio “Harmonia” in terms of arrangements of musical works; reveals the high results of the pedagogical activity of all members of the ensemble in the context of their students’ victories at national and international performance competitions; emphasizes the importance of the methodological activity of players from the bayan trio “Harmonia”; highlights the educational activities of the ensemble members in terms of concert activities and the organization and holding of festivals of bayan and accordion performance and folk instrumental art; specifies the dates of changes of the performing members of the ensemble; highlights the professional achievements of the Zhytomyr bayan trio “Harmonia” at national and international competitions. Summarizing the scientific research, the author of the article establishes that the driving forces that ensure the continuous existence of the Zhytomyr bayan trio “Harmonia” are the pedagogical activities of the ensemble members: the student replaces the teacher in the ensemble’s performing lineup.


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