


Children’s choir, repertoire genre, Beijing Philharmonic Choir, Yang Hongnian


The purpose of this study is to study and systematize the genres and styles of the repertoire of the Beijing Philharmonic Choir in the 1980–1990’s. The research method is based on the combination of musicological and systematic methods, as well as the analysis of the repertoire of the choir. The research results show that the Beijing Philharmonic Choir is a standard in the academic singing tradition. The repertoire direction of the choir is characterized by diverse genres and styles, and is mainly divided into six directions: a cappella works of Chinese and European music; Chinese folk songs for a cappella and accompaniment; concert and spiritual works for a cappella choir; secular choral works with accompaniment; choral arrangements of vocal works; choral arrangements of instrumental works. The most popular works by the audience are those of the following composers: O. Lasso, J.S. Bach, W.A. Mozart, F. Schubert, R. Schumann, R. Strauss, A. Dvorak, A. Copland, E.L. Weber, Qi Dan, Yang Hongnian, Meng Haoran, Xu Jianqiang, Zhang Yida, Mou Honggeng, Liu Xiaogeng, Wang Yuncai, etc. The scientific novelty lies in the first analysis of the singing repertoire of the Beijing Philharmonic Chorus, the determination of the genre and style priorities of the designated choir repertoire, and the systematization of the repertoire works by genre and style. By studying the singing repertoire of the Beijing Philharmonic Chorus, it can be seen that the choral works sung by the choir have a high ideological and artistic level, a wide range of themes, and a variety of genres and styles. The repertoire of the Beijing Philharmonic Chorus represents the trend of choral art synthesis (historical class, genre and cultural paradigm) in the last 25 years of the 20’th century. The analysis of this collective choral repertoire represents the phenomenon of artistic dialogue in the cultural environment of the current era.


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