


voice formation, voice, vocals, vocal art training, psychosomatics, psychoemotional clamp, body tension, relaxation


Currently, the approach to education, taking into account the psychophysical conditions of the student, is becoming increasingly relevant. Discussing the role of psychosomatics in voice formation, the author can only outline the planned program of vocal art training, which is the novelty of the ideas put forward. The central point considered in the article is the existence of a close connection between the bodily and emotional aspects of each person’s life, which cannot but affect the formation of sound production. The coverage of the problem of finding a singer’s free sound, from the point of view of the psycho-emotional state, seems to be the beginning of a new stage in the ordering of knowledge in this area. The attempt to put forward a new hypothesis and the introduction of previously unreported criteria in the synthesis of vocal art and psychosomatics are the main objectives of this article. Thus, it can be imagined that the deviation from the cultural path of development is one of the central origins of bodily function disorders and the emergence of psychosomatic disorders. A person enters a culture, communicates with other people, carries out conscious activities and lives under the influence of external natural and social factors. In this regard, a person is a complex biopsychosocial entity that is subject to all the laws of both the first (natural) and the second (cultural) nature. The natural beginning in human life and activity is subject to all the laws of the world, and the second – to culture (philosophy, science, art, religion, etc.). The very fact of the emergence and development of the psychosomatic direction testifies to the organic unity of the somatic and the mental in the genesis of health and disease. At the same time, attention is drawn to the social and information overload of the consciousness of a modern person. A significant increase in the quota of mental work with a noticeable decrease in physical exertion posed a challenge to the philosophy of scienceunderstanding the dialectic of psychosomatic unity and contradictions in the integral structure of the individual. The work is written for teachers looking for new ways to approach the disclosure of the talent of their students, as well as for a wide audience of people who are in search of their true sound.


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