


modernity, theatricality, ensemble performance, ritual performance, ensemble leader, director


The article highlights the role of theatricality in modern ritual practices, in particular in the context of ensemble performance. The relevance of the study is related to the need to understand the influence of theatrical techniques on the preservation and restoration of traditional rituals, their adaptation to modern conditions. It is noted that the signs of theatricality in traditional ritual actions develop and are modernized in new performative forms. It was found that the interaction of theater, music, dance, vocals and other performing arts create a performance-directing atmosphere of a national ceremony enriched with modern theatricality, which is capable of fostering respect for traditions, uniting people, and developing aesthetic taste. The work offers a comparative table of the components of the theatricality of the ritual action in the context of the traditional Ukrainian rite and its modern interpretation, and analyzes the special conditions that contribute to the transformation that take place in the theatricality of ritual practices today. It was determined that combined traditional ritual elements with modern theatrical techniques open wide opportunities for innovative and creative approaches, increase the aesthetic impression of a theatrical and ritual performance. The significance of the vocal-acting ensemble performance is characterized, the key role of which is to create a specific atmosphere of the ritual action, to deepen the perception of the ritual as a joint action, and to strengthen the sense of collective identity. The key functions of the leader of the performance-ensemble group in shaping the theatricality of the rite-performance, directing the stage and musical parts of the ritual action, choosing and developing the images of the performers, achieving artistic expressiveness and dramaturgy of the theatricalized folk-ritual project are highlighted. its role in communication, research, managerial and scientific activities is outlined.


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