



partes music, mensural theory, proportions, tactus, tempo


In the performing practice one of the main issues is to decide the right tempo of performance. To choose proper tempi and their changes in early music is even more difficult. This decision depends on the principles of metro-rhythmic organization in the 17th–18th century music theory. Thus, this research addresses an issue of definition and coordination the tempo in the performance of Ukrainian partes music. Throughout the 17th and 18th centuries, the rhythmic organization of musical material and the speed of its reproduction were inextricably linked. The interpretation of music of this period in accordance with the canons of modern understanding of meter and rhythm is inappropriate, even impossible without understanding the musical theory of the 17th century. There are very few studies of the relationship between tempo and meter in Ukrainian musicology, and especially concerning Ukrainian partes music. Accordingly, the results described in the publication will enrich the theoretical knowledge of modern interpreters of early music, as well as musicologists – researchers of the baroque culture. The author explains practice of beating the tactus in the system of mensural notation of Western European baroque music, the principles of the ratio of even and proportional meters, and ways to graphically indicate changes in tempo. The affinity of methods of metro-rhythmic organization in partes works with the principles of rhythmic development in the mensural system is also underlined. The theoretical works of this period, written on the territory of Ukraine at that time, are analyzed, and examples of the interdependence of meter, rhythm, harmonic changes and text with their tempo implementation are considered. Selected compositions for analysis are the six concerts from the partes manuscripts found in Valyava (Walawa), Peremyshl (Przemyśl) diocese. The ways of interpretation the musical time signatures in relation to their tempo characteristics and tempo changes in the partes tradition are concluded.


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