accordion, bayan, elementary music education, Bukovina, educators, music schools, accordion-bayan art of BukovinaAbstract
This article delves into the process of forming and developing primary education related to accordion and bayan art in the region of Bukovina. We explore the historical aspects of music schools that emerged in cities such as Chernivtsi, Vyzhnytsia, Kelmentsi, Storozhynets, Khotyn, Novodnistrovsk, Zastavna, Sokyriany, Novoselytsia, Berehomet, Putyla, and others. Special attention is given to the graduates of these schools who have gained recognition in international competitions, leaving a significant impact on the modern music world. Their achievements showcase the high level of professionalism and artistic potential fostered by Bukovina’s music education institutions. The contribution of educators to the development of accordion-bayan music education is highlighted, not only for the region but also for Ukrainian culture as a whole. Particular attention is given to the introduction of accordion and bayan classes at Children’s Music School № 1 in Chernivtsi in the late 1940s, which laid the foundation for the development of similar directions in other settlements of the region. The conditions that stimulated the emergence of a network of music schools in various districts of Chernivtsi Region were analyzed, particularly regarding the opening of accordion and bayan classes in these institutions. For convenience, the analysis is based on the administrative districts of the region that were in place until 2020. The significance of accordion and bayan art as components of the national musical heritage, along with their interaction with other musical genres, is discussed. The main achievements and challenges faced by this branch of art in the modern world are highlighted. Additionally, prospects for further research in this direction are outlined, emphasizing the need for greater attention to the development of programs and teaching methods in accordion and bayan art. Support for talented young musicians and the creation of conditions for their creative growth and professional self-expression are also important considerations.
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