performance interpretation, conductor-choirmaster, creativity, choral piece, performance skill, intonation, musical thinking, musical abilitiesAbstract
The problem of performance interpretation of a choral work in the process of professional training of a conductor-choirmaster has been updated. The essence and concept of interpretation is revealed. Its features in musical art are discussed in the process of working on the artistic performance of the piece. The basic professional stages of music performance and factors affecting the variability of the interpretation of a musical composition are determined. Separate provisions of the theory of performance interpretation occupy an important position for understanding the peculiarities of this phenomenon, as well as for determining the criteria of the conductor’s individual style. The problems of building the content of musical interpretation, as a sensual, emotional and figurative shade of knowing reality, are justified by the nature of music, the boundaries of which are defined by the performer and his professional level. Understanding and studying the piece in detail and creating a performance concept on this basis should be realized in the course of rehearsal work with the choir. In the context of the problems of professional communication and building effective interpersonal creative relations in the process of joint choral activity, it is possible to talk about the performer’s right to his own reading of a musical work and the creation of an original performance concept. It is noted that the performing interpretation extends both to the process of perceiving a choral work and to the process of redirecting its existence to the listener. Considering the issue of professional training of the conductor-choirmaster, the essence of the specialist’s performance, musicpedagogical and educational practice is defined. And the individual approach to each student of higher education, the development of his musical abilities, promotes activation in the educational process, creative self-expression.
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