vocal repertoire, vocal and choral skills, artistic image, academic singing, voice, vocalsAbstract
The article is devoted to determining the role of the vocal and artistic repertoire in the education system and in the professional activity of a pop singer. The main focus is on the importance of skillful composition and mastery of the repertoire in order to improve vocal performance skills. The main principles of repertoire selection and correction are outlined. It is substantiated that the effective selection of an interesting vocal and artistic repertoire contributes to the improvement of the student’s success rate. It is summarized that the functions of the repertoire are manifested both in the effectiveness of means of improving the quality of the educational process and in professional musical communication. The work contains concise information about the principles of vocal repertoire selection in the academic vocal class, the aesthetic value of the repertoire, the requirements placed directly on the teacher and, in general, the influence of singing on the student’s life. The thesis about the positive influence of music on a child’s development has long been in doubt in modern science. Music education is essential for children because it has a direct impact on a child’s overall development and development in other areas. Bill Gates gave priority to candidates with a musical education when hiring, and Condoleezza Rice, the first black woman to hold the post of the 66th US Secretary of State, is a pianist by profession. The term “musical education” can be interpreted in two senses: in a broad sense – the formation of spiritual values, intelligence, moral ideas, i.e. personality education; in a narrow way – the development of the ability to perceive music, the formation of human culture. It is in music that the inner world of a person is revealed. Eventually, the student will not necessarily become a musician, let alone a great one, but the creative beginning laid by the teacher will affect the process of personality development. The work is written for teachers who are looking for new ways of approaching the discovery of the talent of their students, as well as for a wide audience of people.
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