wind musical instruments, evolution of horn art, musical instrument performance, natural horn, clarinet, performance technique, playing techniquesAbstract
The article describes the role and place of the natural horn in historical and modern musical practice. The terminological problems of naming the musical instrument in various sources related to the design and type of horn of its predecessors are considered: corno, corno da caccia, trompe de chasse, waldhorn. On the basis of the theoretical analysis of scientific sources, the evolution of the brass wind instrument – the horn, the peculiarities of interpretation in the composer's work, the development of the technique of playing the instrument, the problems of interpretation in different orchestral styles and directions are considered. The peculiarities of the technique of playing the wind musical instrument "clarino" and clarino-virtuoso music making in the upper and higher registers are analyzed. The types and types of natural horn in the baroque instrumental culture, playing techniques, range, texture, principles of artistic interpretation, performance with "closed sound" are substantiated. The evolution of the natural horn in the music of classicism, the peculiarities of performance technique and interpretation are studied. The division into two styles of interpretation of horns is distinguished: concert and hunting. On the basis of musical works, the presence of elements of stylization, special types of movement, intonations, imitations, textures, dimensions, tessitura, and features of instrumentation was traced. The interpretation of the concept of "technique of closed sounds", its application, features of performance are analyzed. Other types of modern horns and horn-like instruments are considered: treble horns, natural horns, Wagnerian trumpets, their use in world musical practice in various genres of orchestral performance. The creative galaxy of talented and famous horn players of the world musical culture of the second half of the 20th – beginning of the 21st centuries is named. An analysis of manuals for practical mastering the technique of playing the natural horn in today's conditions was carried out.
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