


prepared flute, prepared piano, J. Cage, H. Cowell, I. Matuz, technique and methods of prepared instruments.


The article is devoted to consideration of the new performance technique “the preparation of instruments”, historical aspects and methods of preparation of “prepared instruments” (flutes and pianos). In modern music, almost all instruments undergo some kind of modification, which is created to obtain various acoustic special effects on the flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, violin, harp, piano, etc. Features and capabilities of “prepared instruments” attract the attention of modern composers and performers. Revealing the stages of the formation of the new technique, the article highlights the activities of the pioneers of “prepared instruments” Henry Cowell, John Cage, István Matuz and others, thanks to which “prepared instruments” gained significant popularity in the field of modern music. A list of definitions of the term “prepared piano”, “prepared flute” is provided, the classification of techniques and methods of using prepared instruments is considered, examples of the use of new techniques in the work of composers and performers of the second half of the 20th – early 21st centuries are highlighted. The possibilities of the “prepared piano” are used by George Crumb, Heitor Villa-Lobos, Maurice Delage, John Cage, Henry Cowell, Brian Eno and other composers. “Prepared flute” is used by musicians to perform works by Matuz István, Eӧtvӧs Péter, Szigeti István, Gyӧngyӧssy Zoltán, Jos Zwaanenburg, Ansgar Beste, Christina Kubisch and others. For “tool preparation” methods are used such as adding various objects inside and outside the tool (paper, plastic bag, aluminum foil, screws, bolts, metal objects, etc.); use of individual parts of the instrument (head, main body, lower knee of the flute); a combination of several parts of the tool; creating a hybrid instrument, “Ocean Piano”, “Plucked Piano”, etc. The technique of “prepared instruments” became an important event in modern music, which inspired many composers and performers to experiment with unconventional sounds. New methods opened up non-classical possibilities of musical self-expression. Prepared instruments (piano & flute) – a new look at the possibilities of classical instruments.


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Данильченко Ю. А. Нова техніка виконавства на флейті – «Prepared Flute». Мистецька освіта та естетичне виховання молоді : зб. матеріалів Всеукраїнської науково-практичної конференції з міжнародною участю (15–16 грудня 2022 року). Частина 2. Полтава : Навчально-науковий інститут культури і мистецтв ЛНУ ім. Т. Шевченка. Видавничий відділ ПУЕТ. 2022. С. 28–32.




