


interpretation, artistic interpretation, performance skills, performance techniques, pianist, piano training.


The article theoretically substantiates the significance of interpretative and performance skills in the piano training of a pianist as an important professional asset and an indicator of their capability for performing and pedagogical activities. It examines the specifics of interpretative and performance skills and their functioning in the comprehensive development of these skills. The aim of the article is to theoretically justify interpretative and performance skills, to define their characteristics and role in the professional preparation of future piano teachers. The theoretical research formulates the essence of performance-stylistic skills as a professional integrated asset of the pianist in the process of working on musical works, which is grounded on theoretical knowledge (structure of the piece, historical context, style, genre, texture, etc.) and practical knowledge (performance skills) that transform according to the personal and spiritual potential, individual properties, and special abilities of the personality; aimed at revealing and embodying the meaningful content of the musical work. The artistic segment of performance interpretation is characterized, where artistry is the essence of the features, properties, characteristics, and structural elements through which music is manifested through consciousness and thought, as a means of cognition and reflection of reality, as artistic form and artistic content, as an artistic process and artistic image. The step-by-step process of interpreting a musical work is considered, highlighting the key aspects of theory and practice during the interpretative activity of the musician-pianist. It is emphasized that interpretative and performance skills are a complex integrated formation and can be seen as a set of skills (hermeneutic, creative, performance, reflexive). Attention is drawn to the synthesized formation of interpretative and performance skills: the artistic-meaning aspect and the performance aspect, which holistically characterize the performing mastery of the pianist and their professional qualities. The article proposes ways to solve the problem of organizing the performance process to acquire the professionally necessary skills for pianists during their studies in higher education institutions.


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