


interpretation, conceptual approach, trumpet, drama, performance concept, individual performance identity, acoustic landscape of the instrument.


The article is devoted to the analysis of the interpretive concepts of Second Trumpet Concerto by M. Berdyev. Particular attention is paid to the importance of individual performing identity and the acoustic landscape of the trumpet, which are key factors in the formation of a unique performing style and relevant comprehension of the composer's intention. Individual performing identity is interpreted as a defining element of the interpretive process, which determines the specific sound of a work through the prism of the performer's personal experience, emotional sensitivity and creative approach. Another key concept relates to the acoustic landscape of the instrument, which influences the overall concept of the interpretation of a work. The trumpet is seen not only as a technical instrument, but also as a source of creating a specific sound space that forms the expressive means of performance poetics. The timbre, dynamic and articulation capabilities of the instrument become important factors in conveying the composer's idea and determining the stylistic features of the performance. The article conducts a compositional and dramaturgical analysis, reveals a one-part through form (conditionally divided into three sections according to the tradition of the instrumental concerto), which combines genre features of the concerto, symphony and poem, and through the use of leitmotifs, the composer manages to achieve monolithic form and through drama. The author emphasises that the interpretive process is not linear but dynamic, where all components interact closely. The performer is given the freedom to choose the proportionality of the use of the proposed concepts, which allows him or her to create a unique ‘recipe’ for his or her own interpretation of the work. This approach ensures a deep artistic understanding and a high level of performance skills, reflecting both the composer's intention and the performer's creative personality.


Шаповалова Л. Інтерпретологія як музикознавча дисципліна: досвід системного моделювання мистецьких процесів та явищ культурного буття. Українське мистецтво, культура, освіта: актуальні проблеми, тенденції та перспективи розвитку: збірник наукових праць. Івано-Франківськ: «Фоліант», 2021. С. 143-146.

Концевич О., Карпяк А. Сучасний погляд на проблеми опанування майстерністю виконання трубного концерту XX початку XXI століть. Історія становлення та перспективи розвитку духової музики в контексті національної культури України та зарубіжжя. Збірник наукових праць. Рівне: Волинські обереги, 2019. Випуск 11. С. 106-111.

Концевич О. Виконавський універсалізм мистецтва трубача як сучасна стратегія. Історія становлення та перспективи розвитку духової музики в контексті національної культури України та зарубіжжя. Збірник наукових праць. Рівне: Волинські обереги, 2021. Випуск 13. С. 112-117.




