Sa Ding Ding,Abstract
In the conditions of the globalization of vocal art, the current trend is the destruction of national identity and the assimilation of singers' performance practice, regardless of nationality or language of performance. At the same time, despite this trend in terms of active development, Chinese vocal art retains a significant diversity both in terms of stylistics and performance styles. Among the original Chinese styles, the "Tibetan" stands out, which combines the traditional Tibetan vocal-performance tradition and modern academic performance, so the research of representatives of this style is relevant. The article examines the compositional and performing work of the composer, producer and singer Sa Ding Ding, who can be considered one of the brightest representatives of the "Tibetan style". The article also contains an analysis of the content and themes of Sa Ding Ding's original songs, which are more in line with the traditions of Tibetan folk music, as well as the vocal performance style, which is characterized by a combination of many different sound production techniques and performance techniques. The article examines the song "Everything Grows", for which Sa Ding Ding won the BBC Radio 3 Awards for Worlds Musik; "The Old Man by the Silin River", in which the singer used her own invented language; "Lucky day", the material for which was "Ode to Joy" by L.V. Beethoven, as well as a video clip for the song "I dream that a swallow will fly in the spring", which shows the singer's mastery of a traditional Chinese gesture. It is concluded that the compositional and performing activity of Sa Ding Ding is a synthetic and original phenomenon not only within the boundaries of Chinese, but also in the global vocal art. The synthesis in the singer's creative activity of various musical traditions and national ones produces unique vocal works that win awards at the international level and remain the subject of current musicological research.
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