



Trumpet Concerto with Orchestra, German composers, musical space of the second half of the 18th century, evolution of the genre, baroque traditions, natural trumpet, clarinet art, early classical examples.


Statement of the problem. The second half of the 18th century is the period of gradual decline of the clarino trumpet art. Despite this, certain achievements in the genre of Trumpet Concerto with Orchestra are noted in the work of German composers at this time. The purpose of the article is to summarize the development of the early classical Trumpet Concerto with Orchestra in Germany, to find out the ways of the formation of the classical model of the genre in the second half of the 18th century. The research methodology is based on a comprehensive approach to the study of the Trumpet Concerto in the works of German composers, based on historical-cultural, hermeneutic, semantic research methods. The main theoretical methods of work are: comparative, biographical, genre-style, music-theoretical analysis, systematization, generalization. Research results, conclusions. The new classical style includes the Trumpet Concerto with Orchestra (about 1740) by J. B. G. Neruda, which is evidenced by its structure, themes, harmonic plan, introduction of cadences, and instrumental presentation of the orchestral and solo parts. And in the Concerto for Trumpet with Orchestra in D-dur by F. X. Richter, although the baroque type of thematism and principles of instrumental exposition are used, its form has freer, open structures and a characteristic new style. The theme and instrumental accompaniment of L. Mozart’s trumpet concerto in D-dur (1762) were decided in the classicist spirit, despite the fact that the tonal plan and form of the work are evidence of baroque traditions. Michael Haydn also drew on Baroque structures and instrumentation in his Trumpet Concerto with Orchestra in D major (1764). However, the intonation structure of his music generally has a classicist character. During the mentioned period in Germany, the early classical concerto for trumpet with orchestra was presented in the work of many more artists (J. E. Altenburg, J. W. Hertel, G. Reiter Jr. and others). But this was already the period of decline of the brilliant genre of the trumpet concerto.


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