


specialists in musical art, consolidation approach, musical-professional, pedagogical-practical, scientific-research directions of training, national paradigm, specialists in art, existential-emotional direction of art education, national culture.


The publication highlights the theoretical and methodological foundations of music specialists training in pedagogical universities. The essence is revealed and theoretical approaches to musical art specialists training are analyzed. It is emphasized that musical art specialists training is based on the theoretical ideas regarding the national paradigm of training musical art specialists, the humanistic basis of music education, axiological approaches to the training of musicians-pedagogues, the existential-emotional direction of art education and its acmeological orientation, as well as prognostic guidelines for professional training. The leading generalized positions regarding the defined role of the consolidation approach as the theoretical basis of the specified training are substantiated. The idea of a national paradigm for the training of art specialists has been actualized; its essence is considered from the point of view of the dialectics of the special and general in culture, which ensures socialization of future specialists. It is substantiated that assimilation of national and universal culture by pupils enhances development of their value orientations. It is emphasized that formation of national culture is also ensured by the expediency of application in the educational process at the level of artistic knowledge, along with works of world art, of national music. The essence of the existential-emotional direction of art education and its role in ensuring the emotional saturation of the educational process is revealed. It is proved that pedagogical determination of the artistic educational process must necessarily take into account both the conscious and unconscious artistic actions of the participants of the study.


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