


dance, music, synthesis, synthesis of arts, dance art, musical art, symphonic dance.


The article describes the features of a possible synthesis between the art of dance and music. To realize the set goal, a complex of methods was used, in particular, general scientific methods – analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization, which were applied to the state of development of the problem. The concrete-scientific – terminological analysis and interpretation of scientific thought used to define the basic concepts of our work. The historical-genetic and retrospective analysis, which made it possible to clarify certain historical features of the research phenomenon. The comparative and comparative analysis used to outline the problem of a possible synthesis between dance and music. It has been proven that dance and music are capable of a joint, integral existence. As a result, a synthesis of arts is formed, by which we understand an organic combination, interconnection, combination of various autonomous types of art into a single innovative and modern form, which is characterized by the completion of an artistic work. It has been established that dance and music are closely related. The dance does not exist without music. At the same time, the music strengthens the expressiveness of the dance, its emotional and rhythmic basis. The synthesis of dance and music is explained by the influence of the latter on the dramatic construction of a dance composition, the structure of which is created on the basis of a musical work. It was established that the joint interaction of dance and music involves joint mutual assistance in revealing the theme, idea, content, image of the heroes of the dance composition. The result of the synthesis between the dance and music arts is the emergence of musicdance forms (suite, pastoral, interlude). The work presents symphonic dance, which is formed due to individual dance forms and forms of symphonic development of music and is the result of musical and dance synthesis.


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