


decorative art of Sumy region, Nadiya Gudylko, artistic painting, carving, embroidery, pysankarstvo.


The article examines the problem of local history training of future specialists in decorative and applied art and teachers of fine art in order to attract young people to the study of both the historical artistic heritage of their people and familiarization with modern trends in the work of leading artists of their region. The purpose of the study is to acquaint students with the work of the honored master of folk art of Ukraine, Nadia Stepanivna Gudylko, who is reviving the art of artistic painting, carving, embroidery, and pysankarya of Sumy region. To achieve the set goal, general theoretical methods of scientific knowledge were applied – analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization. Of the specific scientific methods, we used: bibliographic, to study literary sources on the chosen topic; biographical, with the help of which the main milestones of the artist’s life and work are clarified. At the same time, the cultural approach was used to characterize the works of the master in the field of artistic painting, carving, and embroidery of pysankarstvo. The achievements of the craftswoman in the art of painting by N. Gudylko are considered, and their style is clarified: in the ornaments of the craftswoman, a graphic stylized drawing with baroque plant ornaments and polychrome colouring of the planes dominates. The use of traditional Ukrainian ornament in synthesis with poetic elements of one’s own worldview in carving works is shown. It was established that the dynamics of the lines, the colour, the harmony of the products embroidered with the vestibule seam, made in a peculiar manner, distinguish the works of Nadiya Gudylko from other embroidery masters. Conclusions were made regarding the fact that future artists of decorative arts and teachers of art disciplines should be introduced to such artists as Nadiya Gudylko in order to raise a generation capable of appreciating, preserving and multiplying traditional Ukrainian art.


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