ecology, land art, art landscape, artistic design development.Abstract
The work is based on materials from world art, taken from the history of the development of American and European land art. The sites of artists working in this field were also involved in the materials. General scientific and special research methods, in particular comparative, formal, semantic and figurative and stylistic analysis, were used for the research. The article considers works of land art created in urban space that solve environmental problems. It is indicated that each of the works of land art, created as an artistic and project development in a residential environment, has a dual essence. It is both a work of art (based on an idea) and a work of landscape design - an art landscape (solves functional problems). The art landscape, in addition to the spatialorganizing function of the work, which is usual for landscape design, also performs an artistic-communicative function. The artistic function is understood as the implementation of the functions of art (aesthetic, hedonistic, suggestive, etc.), the communicative function is carried out by means of a certain message embedded in an artistic image. It is assumed that the viewer will understand the codes embedded in the work and will be able to «read» them. It has been established that these works draw attention to the ecological problems of the city by their very existence. It is highlighted that the appeal to the viewer (the communication function of the work) has different solutions: in some works, the artists create a story («Earth Mound», «Landscape of Time», «Meadow»); in others, there is a visual contrast (natural and artificial: form formation - «Mill Creek Canyon» and color - «Blue Trees», or the contrast of materials: living wood and stone - «7000 Oaks»). It is indicated that each work of land art carries its own unique «message» laid down by the author. Technical solution of environmental problems is carried out by traditional methods: formation of landscape relief (geoplastics) and planting of plants.
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