modern dance, types, form of dance, lexical material, directions of dance.Abstract
The article highlights and theoretically substantiates the types and genres, lexical means of modern dance. The application of general scientific and specific scientific methods of research, in particular terminological analysis and interpretation of scientific opinion, made it possible to formulate the statement that modern dance is a multi-genre type of choreographic art and involves a huge number of types and subtypes of dance currents. The Summarizing the materials of scientific research proved that the main feature of modern dance is the transfer of feelings, emotions, moods, etc. On the basis of analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization, it is proved that modern dance is characterized as a universal, free dance, which is not subject to strict canons and standards. In the article in the context of highlighting the specified problem, the author proves that modern dance consists of such genres, styles and types as contemporary, modern dance and jazz-modern and characterizes the lexical means of modern dance. The author established that the application of general scientific research methods provides grounds for stating that the expressive means of choreography help to reflect the main idea of a composition or an image in a dance. By the expressive means of choreographic composition we interpret the basis of the dance, its component parts, where the components are the filling of the specified dance parts with additional means to enhance the impression of the dance and the audience’s perception of the choreographic work.
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