choral performance, conductor, «choral ensemble» phenomenon, singing rules, choral sonority.Abstract
The article deals with the phenomenon of «choral ensemble» as a component of choral sonority; the basic concepts of choral ensemble are presented; the experience of domestic choral conductors in choral performance is determined; the rules of ensemble performance in choral parts are generalized. The importance of the ensemble in choral performance is proved. A choral ensemble is an intonational coherence of singing voices, unity of timbre, full unison of each individual part in a single harmonious consonance. The need to coordinate the components of a choral ensemble indicates its importance, which lies in the ability to instantly transform choral singing into a collective creative process under the direction of a conductor and, within the space-time range, to qualitatively change the physical nature of the ensemble sound, its character, timbre variety, and give it a distinctive sound to create a dynamic and artistic image.The artistic unity created by the balance of all performance components is the highest form of consonance, which is characterized by the concept of ensemble.The creation of such a concept as a single ensemble in a choir based on a number of performance and vocal and choral skills is the most important condition for the birth of the image of a choral work. Achieving such a goal as unity of sound is a conscious aspect in the disclosure of an artistic image. This process takes a lot of time and active vocal and choral work. Therefore, the sequence and correct algorithm of actions gives certain results in acquiring choral sonority and timbral fusion of the choir. Also, in the process of long work, the pure sound of the choral ensemble and its register and timbre component crystallizes with harmonious soundIt is known that every art consists of two parts: technical and artistic. Without mastering the technical component, it is impossible to achieve theThe final result is the artistic component of a concert performance of choral works.
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