



teacher’s assistant, child with special educational needs, inclusive education, distance learning.


The article clarifies the importance of organizing high-quality distance learning. The pandemic has already forced all educators to adapt and adjust their work to remote mode. However, the war in Ukraine brought new challenges – the destruction of schools, forcibly relocated students and teachers who study and work in new schools throughout Ukraine and beyond, “dropping out” of the educational process of individual children and entire classes due to air raids, combat actions and other causes connected with war. Now, more than ever, it is important to organize high-quality distance learning, especially for children with special needs, for whom the learning process is even more difficult. Since these children have limited opportunities to quickly react and process information from the environment, it is important to introduce supportive steps into the educational process that will help minimize the effects of psychological trauma. Specialists who work with this category of children participate in the development of various content to support them using different forms of education (face-to-face, remote, mixed). They also help parents of children with special educational needs who need support and assistance with consultations and advice. Therefore, with the introduction of distance learning, the specifics of a teacher’s assistant’s work have changed somewhat. Theoretical provisions regarding the inclusive education of children with special needs are presented in the works of domestic and foreign scientists (V. Zasenko, E. Danilavichiute, A. Kolupaeva, L. Savchuk, T. Sak, O. Taranchenko, D. Deppeler, T. Lorman, D. McGee-Richmond, D. Harvey, etc.). In particular, the specifics of psychological and pedagogical support are considered, it is emphasized that the organization of the educational process in classes where students with special needs study has its own characteristics (forms, methods, involvement of various specialists, parents, etc.). Therefore, in the conditions of a comprehensive educational institution with inclusive education, one of the essential points is the creation of additional necessary conditions, provision of support and accompaniment for children of this category at the present time.


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