speech development, speech competence, speech environment, speech culture, speech errors.Abstract
The article emphasizes the relevance of the problem of the formation of speech competence of preschoolers, which is determined by the tasks of the Law of Ukraine “On Preschool Education”, as well as the tasks of the Basic Component of Preschool Education in Ukraine. Attention is drawn to the causes, manifestations and types of speech errors in preschool children, the conditions and mechanisms for overcoming them are given. The significance of the language environment in the formation of speech competence is revealed. The importance of timely diagnosis of speech errors and the selection of the most successful and effective mechanisms for the formation of grammatical correctness of children’s speech, both in classes and in everyday life, which would contribute to their correction, is emphasized. Conducting a speech diagnosis helps the educator to optimize the process of development of children’s speech skills and abilities, to see the dynamics of the formation of speech activity under the influence of its purposeful formation, to prevent methodological errors both in the selection of the language content of education and the use of certain technologies and psychotechniques, and most importantly – to achieve developmental effect in the work of providing perfection and perfection to speech operations (skills) and speech actions (skills). Therefore, the problem of children’s speech requires further comprehensive research aimed at the study of speech activity in the aggregate of the child’s cognitive, emotional and motivational spheres, as well as the development of appropriate corrective and developmental influences on the child’s speech development.
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