descriptive vocabulary, primary school students with intellectual disabilities, didactic gameAbstract
The article presents a retrospective analysis of the development of the descriptive vocabulary of younger schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities by means of didactic games. The main tasks of the research are: retrospective analysis of the development of descriptive vocabulary of younger schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities; analysis of the effectiveness of using didactic games for the development of descriptive vocabulary of younger schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities. Based on the retrospective analysis of the development of the descriptive vocabulary of younger schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities, it was established that children with intellectual disabilities develop their descriptive vocabulary with a delay. This can lead to difficulties in learning, social adaptation and communication with others. The volumes of descriptive vocabulary in children with intellectual disabilities are significantly smaller than in younger schoolchildren without special educational needs, children with intellectual disabilities often use descriptive vocabulary inaccurately or inappropriately, the development of descriptive vocabulary in children with intellectual disabilities is a longer and more time-consuming process. The analysis of the effectiveness of the use of didactic games for the development of the descriptive vocabulary of younger schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities allowed us to conclude that didactic games contribute to a significant increase in the volume of descriptive vocabulary in younger schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities, didactic games help children with intellectual disabilities to use descriptive vocabulary more accurately and appropriately , didactic games contribute to better acquisition of descriptive vocabulary in children with intellectual disabilities. It is emphasized that didactic games are an effective means of developing the descriptive vocabulary of younger schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities, allow to activate cognitive processes, stimulate interest in learning and promote better learning of descriptive vocabulary, and can be used to develop descriptive vocabulary in children with different levels of intellectual disabilities. For the effective use of didactic games for the development of the descriptive vocabulary of younger schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities, it is recommended to: choose didactic games that correspond to the student's level of development; take into account the individual characteristics of the child; use didactic games in combination with other methods and teaching methods; systematically control the results of training.
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